Tips for long flights – How to beat jetlag and enjoy your trip

Nasveti za dolge lete- Kako premagati jetlag in uživati v potovanju
Foto: Freepik


Long flights are often an inevitable part of international travel, but they can bring challenges like fatigue and jetlag. In order to make your trip more pleasant and to adapt to the new time zone more quickly, it is important to follow some key tips. We’ve explored strategies to alleviate the effects of long flights and jet lag to help you stay fresh, rested and ready to explore a new destination.

Adequate preparation before the flight

Prepare for a long flight by getting enough sleep in the days before departure. Try to gradually adjust your sleep and wakefulness to the time zone of your destination. This can help alleviate the effects of jetlag.

Comfortable dress

For long flights, comfort is key. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and shoes that allow air to circulate and are suitable for cabin temperature changes.


Air humidity in airplane cabins is low, which can quickly lead to dehydration. Drink plenty of water before, during and after your flight to stay hydrated. Avoid alcohol and caffeine as they can cause further dehydration.

Movement and stretching

Sitting for long periods of time on an airplane can cause your legs to swell and increase your risk of blood clots. Get up, walk down the hall and do simple stretching exercises every hour to stimulate blood circulation.

Adjusting to time zone

When you get on the plane, set your watch to the time zone of your destination. This will help you mentally adjust to the new schedule. Try to sleep on the plane if it’s night in your new time zone and stay awake if it’s daytime.

Use of travel aids

Travel accessories such as comfortable travel pillows, sleep masks, earplugs or noise-canceling headphones can significantly improve the quality of your rest on the plane.

Light diet

Avoid heavy meals and choose light meals on the plane. Heavy food can cause discomfort and make it difficult to sleep.

Relaxation and entertainment

Keep activities close at hand that will relax and entertain you, such as reading books, listening to music, watching movies or solving crossword puzzles. Relaxation will help you overcome boredom and travel stress.

With the right preparation and strategies, long flights can become more comfortable and less stressful. Following these tips will help you beat jetlag and get the most out of your trip. No matter how far you travel, there are always ways to make your trip more enjoyable and efficient.

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