The oceans and seas that cover more than 70% of our planet hide an incredibly diverse and complex underwater life. These ecosystems offer a home to millions of different species, from the smallest microorganisms to the largest marine mammals. We explored some of these wonderful underwater creatures.
Coral reefs
Coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. They are home to thousands of species of fish, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, snails and other animals. The corals that form reefs are actually colonies of tiny marine animals called coral polyps. Despite their beauty, coral reefs are extremely vulnerable and need special protection.
Marine mammals
Marine mammals, including dolphins, whales, seals and sea lions, are a key part of the marine ecosystem. Their diets, migration routes and behavior are often indicators of the health of the entire ocean. Their intelligence and social complexity continue to amaze us.
Fish world
Fish represent the most diverse group of vertebrates in the ocean, with more than 33,000 known species. These include everything from tiny neon tetras to giant sharks. Fish are a basic part of the diet of many marine creatures and play a key role in maintaining balance in marine ecosystems.
Microorganisms such as plankton and bacteria are invisible to the naked eye, but they represent an important part of marine life. They are the base of the marine food chain and play a key role in climate regulation by absorbing huge amounts of carbon dioxide.
Unusual creatures
The ocean also harbors many unusual and mysterious species. These are creatures such as squid, deep-sea sharks, molluscs and giant squid. These unusual inhabitants of the depths are adapted to extreme conditions such as high pressure, low temperatures and almost complete darkness.
The oceans harbor an incredible variety of life. From the surface to the deepest depths, each level offers a different perspective on how creatures survive and thrive in these extreme conditions. Although we have explored only a fraction of this vast and diverse world, these insights help us understand how our planet is connected and how important it is to protect these unique and beautiful ecosystems.